Interview Asasi TESL UiTM

Hi guys, today I'm gonna write about my experience going to an interview for a place in Asasi TESL, UiTM. By the way, for your information, all UiTM asasi courses now has been gathered at one place that is UiTM Dengkil.

So, let's start, shall we?

So before anything, you pretty much have applied for UPU right? Most likely, yes.

So on the day where the interview results came out, I was literally praying so hard so that my name will pop up after I hit enter. Like literally, hard af.

So I hat enter anddd tadaaaaaaaaaaaa! My name popped out. I was so happy. Like really tho. My dream to be a language educator is pretty much there.

It stated:

Venue: UiTM Dengkil
Date: 22 April 2017
Time: 2.00 PM

Something like that lah, not exactly like that, it is more formal, an official letter, you kinda get it, right? Okay? Tight.

Fast forwarddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

It's interview day. To be honest, I was really nervous because it is officially my first interview of the year. Plus, it kinda determines my future, the front chunk of it.

So I got ready, wearing formal attire (a.k.a baju kurung). Wore some really simple but professional makeup just to look a little more presentable, pretty much.

My house is at Semenyih, so it only took my family and I around 45 minutes to go to Dengkil, which is such a relief since it's not in other state in Malaysia.

We got out of the house around 12.30 PM and arrived 1.25 PM if I still remember correctly.

We decided to go to Pusat Islam to to our Zohor Prayers first. Then we went to an arranged place.

Be aware because, you have to go to this place to look at your Panel number. I got Panel 2, number 18.

To be honest,I already knew what panel I was because that morning, my cousin had an interview there too and my aunt told me my panel number and not my number.

After you've secured and memorized your number, you have to go to this other board that states the level which you will go according to your panels for your WRITING TEST.

So, for me, I went up to level 2 and the examination room is from panel 1 - 6.

I sat there for a while, not too long because, the moment I sat my butt down, it was already 1.50 PM. The exam starts on 2.00 PM.

To be honest, the examination , its not that hard in my opinion. The first section is comprehension, the one with A B and C's. The passage that I got is about kangaroos.Western, Easter Grey Kangaroos, Little kangaroos and such, where they originated in, in which part of Australia they're in and bla bla.

The English that is used in the comprehension text for me in quite up there but not 'till the point of me not understanding a single thing said. The questions? They're okay, I did got stuck on two questions, which at that time, I got quite dizzy because there's just so much words and I kinda skipped , answered the rest and went to the essay immediately.

The essay. You have to write a 250 words and above essay. The topic that I got is 'BENEFITS OF LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGE'. Which is quite accurate and pretty much relatable because, English in Malaysia is a FOREIGN LANGUAGE. You just have to write what is the benefit of learning English. The essay is pretty much a piece of cake.

Oh yeah, they only provide you with two pages of space for your essay, so, if you're a hardcore writer like I am who probably tend to go 4 pages and above, I suggest you to really map out your paragraph and points real well.

After I finished the essay and less flustered, Writing pretty much calms me down. I went back to the two unanswered question and to my shock. They're easy questions, LOL. I was so embarrassed for not even understanding them. What a joke.

TIMES UP! They collect our papers, blablabla. How's the feel of the writing examination? Just like SPM but much more comfortable with air conditioning and stuff. I loike it. ehekss.

We were then assisted by panels to our interview rooms. My interview room which is panel 2, is only outside of the examination room. What a shock, ayy mate?

We were asked to sign beside our names on the paper that is pasted on the door of the interview room and we sat according to our numbers. They are 21 people up for interview for panel 2. One guy and the rest of 'em are little beautiful ladies.

You will also be told to arrange your IC, surat beranak according to a list. So yeah, just get ready.
Before the interview even started, the two interviewers, both female came out and one of them said,
"Every single word that comes out of you in that room is going to be English. I don't want you to introduce yourself by your name first. Come out with an interesting way to introduce yourself. Once you hear the bell, please come in and hand us your certificates and sit down, thank you and good luck"

There you go ladies and gentleman, All of us that were waiting was like, what kind of intro I'm gonna start with.Goddamn. I pretty much, spend the whole time, thinking about my intro.

And please, please, pleaseeeee do not just sit there waiting quietly. Be friendly. I got real friendly with the number 17 girl, Amirah. We pretty much chatted from 3pm to almost 5.00 pm.

While we waited, we asked every single person that came out of the room, what the interviewers asked about and we got pretty much very mixed feedback.

Some were asked to dance,
Some were asked to sing,
Some were asked to act.

I'm there pretty much listening and just going, okay, what the heck is this? I though this was just an ordinary university interview for Asasi TESL.What's with all of the thingy majiggly and stuff.

Time flies by and it was finally my turn. I knocked on the door, and entered, said good evening to both of the panels. Handed them the certificates and sat down. The room was pretty much stone cold.

Of yeah, the one that does the most talking was Interviewer 2, so, I'm just gonna label her Q. 'cause she questions and I am A because I'm answering.

Q: So, your name is SSHS right?
A: Yes maam, that is me indeed.

Q: Okay, please introduce yourself.
A: Okay, so, I was born from the north side of Malaysia in an Island called Penang Island. I was born on the 30th January 1999 on 04.35AM...... I was supposed to be name PS but my grandmother went like, "You know, I think SS is much more nicer."

Q: Why did your grandmother picked S instead of P.?
A: Well, it's because, the meaning behind the name S is a calling for a woman/girl and S is the name of prophet Ibrahim's wife, so those two combined, it has a much more relatable meaning.

Q: Go on with your introduction.
A: So my family consisted of 6 people. Well, I would like to say 8 including my two cats but my mom wouldn't let me include them, so, I will just tell you 6, my dad's name......... works at......... My mum.......... is a house wife my big bro.......... me............ my lil bro......... my lil sister......... My hobbies are writing,Reading in both Malay and English but mainly in English and I also like to bake.

Q:Oh, you like to bake? What is your most greatest cake you've ever baked?
A: My greatest one would be a chocolate layered cheesecake , topped with chocolate ganache, it's pretty awesome.

Q:Oh wow, sounds marvelous. Okay, so, through baking, how does it helps you improve your English?
A: Through recipes.I learn new terms and word from the recipes.

Q: There are Malay and English Recipe, why did you chose the English one?
A: It's because, some cakes are originated from an English country, so I prefer to look into the English ones because base on my own personal experience, I've tried both Malay and English and when it is translated to Malay, it can be slightly different and not as amazing as the English ones, so I guess that's why I'd prefer the English recipes rather than the Malay ones.

Q: Okayyyyyyy, so, I've gone through your certificates and I want to ask you, among all of these co curricular activities, which one is your favourite and why
A:I chose debate because it is so, so much more different compared to other activities. The skills involved in debating is pretty much priceless. You can't read the text, you can just take the points and the next thing you know, you're on your own elaborating and convincing the judges which is very challenging and nerve wrecking but the feel of it, is irreplaceable.

Q: Okay, that's all, do you have any questions?
A: No, maam. *smiles*

Q: Okay, you can go now, goodluck.

I went out bursting with confidence. I can assure you, as the first batch of PT3 candidate, this interviewer is much more easier than PT3.Very casual and is not stressful at the slightest bit.

I went out, took a glance at the remaining candidates, smiled and wished them good luck and I walked down feeling so accomplished and confident.

I finished my interview around 5. 35 PM. It was a long anxious wait and it sucks being number 18. I have to wait for so long, thinking of the worst case possible only to go in the room to have a casual conversation. It feels like I'm talking to my mum which is incredible 😝😝😝😝😝

My tips for writing test and interview?


Comprehension: Don't waste your precious time reading the paragraph. It's a total bluff. Go to the questions, read it, and find the answers in the paragraph.This method saves so much time. If you're confused and don't know which is which, just skip and answer what you can understand. Finish the essay and come back. If you think that essay is going to be a lady dog to you, just go back and answer the skipped questions. Don't panic. If you don't understand a word, just read the entire sentence consisting the word and you'll figure out from there, okay?

Essay: Understand what you're trying to pin point on. Write down points with a pencil because they don't let you scribble on top on the question paper. I don't know why they didn't let us do that. Don't ask why. After you're done with your essay, erase the points. Manage your paragraphs as well as you can.


Just be yourself. Talk loud and clear. Do not make them ask you to speak louder. Joke a little bit, just as I did with my cats and such, and be confident. Do not say things that will bite you back. For me, the baking question was a total shock and I did not expect that at all but I just casually and confidently answered them. About the singing and dancing, my theory is that the interviewed person spoke something about them singing or acting so that's maybe the cause of them having to dance and sing. Be very careful with what comes out of your mouth. Your answers might bite you back. BUT! EVEN IF YOU ARE CAUGHT IN YOUr OWN WORDS, BE SMART, THINK ABOUT THE MOST LOGICAL ANSWER, AND SPEAK LOUD AND CLEAR. Yeah, one more thing, do not make a script. Just don't.

So yeah. If you are reading this post with full on nervous mood for your interview, I wish you good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.

Oh yeah, I decided to write this post because I already got accepted to Asasi TESL in UiTM Dengkil, Pusat Asasi and have already gone through MDS (Minggu Destini Siswa) a.k.a orientation and is currently on a week of Ramadhan Break. On 4th June 2017, I'll be going back to Dengkil.

I will write a post on MDS later. Till then, sayonara surrealist.



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