Seems Sweet
I just finished watching a video at YouTube from a channel named Boldly which is one of BuzzFeed branch channel. The video is called Couples Hug For 4 Minutes Straight and I can assure you. It is one of the most sweetest thing I've ever seen. In fact, I cried. It seems so heart warming and secure to hug someone. It seems calming. The video explains the benefits that you'll get from a hug which is kinda sweet. It made me wonder. If a person can give you all of this calming, heart warming sensations, Why would a person prefer to be all alone? In a world that has endless possibilities, and endless limits to meet new people or get involved in a relationship, why would someone want to shut off all connection with all of these opportunities? I like someone a lot. He's a crush of mine. Even though he scarred me good, I still can't stop liking him with all of my heart. It felt so weird. It's such a sweet feeling to have someone to always anticipate in, to talk, ...